As Bishop Vásquez prepares to be installed as the Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, he will celebrate three regional Masses of Thanksgiving here in the Diocese of Austin. All are invited to attend one of these Masses and offer the bishop their words of thanksgiving and farewell.
Feb. 3 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Center in College Station
Feb. 7 at 5:30 p.m. at San José Parish in Austin
March 6 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Luke Parish in Temple
A reception will follow each Mass. More details are available at
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you and God bless!!
-The Communications Staff, Diocese of Austin
"The priests, deacons, religious women and men, diocesan staff, and lay faithful of the Diocese of Austin congratulate Bishop Vásquez on this profound expression of confidence by the Holy Father. While we will dearly miss his steady leadership, strengthened by his faithful life of prayer and service to God's people, we rejoice with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston that they will have a shepherd after the heart of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We hold Bishop Vásquez in our daily prayers as he prepares for this new mission in his episcopal ministry." - Very Reverend James A. Misko, vicar general of the Diocese of Austin
Bishop Vásquez will remain in Austin for the next two months before his installation in Houston on March 25.
Christ the King has an opening for a part-time Communications Coordinator. This position reports to the Parish Business Administrator, and works closely with the Pastor to carry out his mission for the parish. This position is responsible for all aspects of parish communication, including the weekly bulletin, e-blasts, website and social media. Candidates must have strong written communications and graphic design skills, project management experience, and effective time management practices. Candidates must be practicing Catholics and in good standing with the Church, and have a knowledge of the Catholic faith and liturgical life. For more information, contact
Krista Kaulfus at or 254-939-0806.
EDGE (6th - 8th Grades)
Jan. 8, 6 pm in the FLC
For more information:
Patricia St. Amour: or call
Confirmation Meeting for Parents & Students (9th - 12th)
Jan. 12, 4 pm in the FLC
For more information: Elizabeth Ordner: or call 254-674-9640.