IN-PERSON BAPTISM CLASSES RESUME Our parish rejoices when a new member is added to our Catholic family through the sacrament of baptism! Baptisms are a cause for celebration not only for the baby's family but for the parish and the Church as a whole. Parents should have their children baptized "shortly after birth" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1250). You must register in advance. For more information and to register, contact the parish office at 254-939-0806. English Baptism Classes - 1st Saturday of the month, 9-11 am Spanish Baptism Classes - 2nd Saturday of the month 9-11 am (The June 10th class is scheduled for 12-2 pm.) RESUMEN DE LAS CLASES DE BAUTISMO EN PERSONA ¡Nuestra parroquia se alegra cuando se agrega un nuevo miembro a nuestra familia católica a través del sacramento del bautismo! Los bautizos son motivo de celebración no solo para la familia del bebé sino también para la parroquia y la Iglesia en general. Los padres deben bautizar a sus hijos "poco después del nacimiento" (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 1250). Debes registrarte con anticipación. Para obtener más información y registrarse, comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 254-939-0806. Clases de bautismo en inglés - primer sábado del mes, 9-11 am Clases de bautismo en español - segundo sábado del mes 9-11 am (La clase del 10 de junio está programada para las 12-2pm)
Holy Hour for Vocations is June 10 For the first time in 20 years, the Diocese of Austin will not celebrate a priestly ordination. To raise awareness of the need for vocations and to gather our prayers into one, Bishop Vásquez will host a Diocesan Holy Hour for Vocations on June 10 – the day that we would ordinarily celebrate a priestly ordination. This event will be in English and Spanish, and it will be interpreted for the deaf and hearing impaired. It will take place at St. Louis King of France Parish in Austin from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come to the event, spread the word, and personally invite other parishioners, so that we can pray for vocations with one voice.