From time to time, scammers contact our parishioners via fake e-mail or text accounts representing themselves as Fr. Sang and asking for financial assistance or gift cards. Please know that Fr. Sang would never ask you for a personal favor of this nature. This is an ongoing problem throughout the Diocese of Austin. If you receive such a message, DO NOT respond to the sender or click on any links. Links can install corruptive software that may render phones or computers inoperable. Whenever you are in doubt about the nature of a request, call the parish office.
Christ the King plans to honor and bless couples celebrating the sacrament of holy matrimony anniversary milestones (increments of five years). This will take place during all Masses the weekend of Feb. 15th & 16th. For more details, click the above title.
We are excited to announce that small group faith communities are forming at Christ the King! This is a way to cultivate your faith, as well as build new and lasting friendships. For details, click the title above.