ALL SAINTS' DAY, a holy day of obligation, is a day that Catholics remember those who have already entered heaven.
ALL SOULS' DAY is a day to pray for all loved ones who have died. In particular, Catholics remember the souls of those who are caught in purgatory, undergoing a process of purification before entering heaven.
ALL SAINTS’ DAY Holy Day of Obligation
Wednesday, Oct. 31st 6:30 pm Vigil Mass
- No Religious Ed or HS Youth Ministry -
Thursday, Nov. 1st 8 am Bi-lingual Mass
6:30 pm English Mass
- No Confession -
- Parish Office Closed -
ALL SOULS’ DAY Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Friday, Nov. 2nd 6:30 am Daily Mass
- Adoration until 5:00 pm -
6:30 pm Requiem Mass