The Lumen Gentium Awards were inaugurated in 2004 by Bishop Gregory M. Aymond as a way to recognize Catholics who exemplified the spirit of the Vatican II docoument Lumen Gentium. Initially bestowed each year, in 2013 Bishop Joe S. Vásquez decreed that the awards be given every other year.
2023 - Bob & Colleen Saxon
Since arriving at Christ the King parish in 2010, Bob and Colleen have exemplified the spirit of Christ to others. Colleen is active in the Women’s Ministry, bible studies, Springfest raffle committee, St. Vincent de Paul food pantry, and especially in the Bereavement Ministry providing meals and loving support to grieving families. Bob has been by Colleen’s side for many of these endeavors, especially bible studies and the Springfest raffle. As a member of the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, Bob exemplifies its principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. He is an attentive usher, and active in That Man is You ministry. At Thanksgiving or Christmas, Bob and Colleen quietly find a family in need and provide gifts or a homecooked feast with all the trimmings. Bob and Colleen have answered God’s call to live a life of love; they co-labor with Christ, working together in God’s service.
2021 - Pete Trevino
Pete Trevino truly lives as a light in this world to others. Pete and his family have been an important part of Christ the King Catholic Church for over 40 years. During his time in the parish, he has been active in multiple ministries and offered his faithful support to many priests. Pete is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus and serves reverently on the altar as an acolyte. He’s also an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass and serves communion to people who are in nursing homes, hospitals, and homebound. His love for the Eucharist was most evident the time he rushed into our burning chapel to retrieve the tabernacle. Pete has touched countless lives by ministering to incarcerated people when they needed Christ the most. Pete has a servant’s heart and his life truly exemplifies the spirit and light of Christ.
2019 - Deacon William “Dave” & Elaine Shoemake
Deacon “Dave” died Jan. 2, 2019. He was ordained in San Antonio in 1979. He was widely admired and respected by the parishioners and all denominations of the Belton community. He had a passion for serving the youth, the poor and the elderly. He was so loved by his wife Elaine and family who supported him in the performance of his diaconate responsibilities.