1 pm - 5 pm
Tuesday - Friday
8:30 am - 5 pm
Closed 12 pm - 1 pm
Saturday & Sunday
In the Catholic Church, we are infinitely blessed to have the sacraments as a way to grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus and become partakers in the Divine Life of God!
In the diocese of Austin, catechists understand that their role as sacramental educators is very important. This being said, the diocese asks that each person receiving the sacrament of Confirmation have 2 years of formation to insure that they are given all of the information and opportunities for spiritual growth that will allow them to receive the sacrament with an open heart.
At Christ the King, we ask that 1st year Confirmation students (traditionally Freshman in High School) attend the Youth Ministry Program that meets on Sunday nights after the Youth Mass for a year. This will introduce them to high school level formation while giving them opportunities for fellowship, fun, and relevant lessons and activities.
Second year Confirmation students (traditionally Sophomore in High School) attend the Youth Ministry Program that meets on Sunday nights after the Youth Mass and attend all Confirmation Sessions offered during the year. This class will prepare the students specifically for the sacrament and an adult understanding of Catholicism. During this year, they are required to attend a Confirmation Retreat.
If the student has not received any of the following Sacraments: Baptism, First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, please contact the CTK Religious Education Office for information on the Sacramental Preparation Guidelines.