It’s time to kick off the planning committee for Springfest 2023! Last year we had a great event, and we want to build on that success. This year Springfest will be on Sunday, May 7th. Springfest is an important part of our parish culture: it provides wonderful opportunities to come together in fellowship with family and friends, and it is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We invite anyone who is interested in serving in this fun ministry to join us for a catered lunch in the Christus Center on Sunday, January 15th after the 10:30 am Mass. Serving on this committee is a great way to meet new friends! If each of you can recruit one new person to join the committee, it will lighten the load. This year we especially need a person or couple to step up to lead the Springfest planning, and we need new leadership for the raffle as the Saxons have retired after many years of profitable service. With your help, we will make this the best Springfest EVER! If you are interested in joining us for lunch, RSVP to Krista Kaulfus at or 832-289-5454. If you can't make the luncheon, let her know that you want to join the committee. Blessings!