Religious Education registration is now open. To make the process as smooth as possible, a Faith Formation representative will be in the Narthex after each Mass on the weekend of August 3rd & 4th. Additionally, a representative will have a table in the Christus Center where you can pick up a form and register in person. You can also skip the lines by scanning the QR code to register. For questions please get in touch with Director of Faith Formation - Patricia St. Amour at 254-939-0806 or email
K - 5th Grades
Families meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9:15 am in the Family Life Center for fellowship and engaging activities with other families. You are assigned a personal catechist and leave with your at-home instruction for the next three weeks. It's that simple! Our first Family Tradition class is on Sunday,September 8, at 9:15 am.
6th - 8th Grades
Class meets on Wednesdays from 6 pm - 8 pm in the Family Life Center. We always start with a delicious meal and socializing. Our first Kick-off meeting is Wednesday, September 11, from 6 pm to 8 pm
9th - 12th Grades
Class meets on Sundays from 6 pm - 8 pm in the Family Life Center. We always start with a delicious meal and socializing. Our first kick-off will be on Sunday,
September 8, 6 pm to 8 pm.
You may pick up a registration form in the Narthex and return it to the office.
Come to the Main Office and pick up a registration form.