PALM SUNDAY - MAR. 24 All parishioners are asked to gather at the Parish Hall on Sunday, March 24 at 10:20 am to process to the Sanctuary together. The Palm Sunday celebration has ancient origins. Beginning the liturgy “outside” the church, we symbolically reenact Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. The crowds in ancient Israel waved palm branches – a symbol of royalty – to welcome Jesus.
PROJECT STEPHEN INFORMATION SESSION- NOV. 17 Have you ever felt a call to serve the Church in a deeper way? You may be called to the diaconal ministry! If you are interested in exploring this vocation and discerning God's possible call to Holy Orders, we invite you to attend an information session on Sunday, Nov.17, at 2 pm at Christ the King in Belton. We look forward to walking with you on this important journey of discernment. Scan the QR Code to register.