ETHICS AND INTEGRITY IN MINISTRY Christ the King is hosting an EIM Spanish Workshop for first-time registrants on Saturday, October 26 from 9 am to 12 pm in the Christus Center. You must have an EIM account (complete and submit the EIM Application at and pre-register to attend this workshop. All persons who engage in ministry in the Diocese of Austin (clergy, religious, employees, and lay volunteers) must complete the two-step EIM registration process through VIRTUS online to serve in ministry. If you or know of someone in your ministry that is needing this workshop please have them register. On the day of the workshop please plan to: 1. Plan to arrive promptly as late arrivals will not be admitted and 2. Do not bring children to the workshop. If you are a victim of sexual abuse and have concerns regarding your attendance at a workshop, contact Abby Turner at (512) 949-2447 to discuss an alternative workshop arrangement. Contact Susie Lunceford, EIM Coordinator at or call the office at 254-939-0806 for assistance if needed.