Once there was a teacher who desired to make progress in his career and to climb the social ladder. He worked very hard. In fact, his work was his life. He put his best hours and his best efforts into it. He had little time to appreciate his family, and even less for the enjoyment of life. It was clear to everyone where his treasure was.
But then he had a heart attack. He was taken to hospital where he lay for days, drifting in and out of consciousness, not knowing whether he would live or die. During this moment of struggle, he saw shadowy figures by his bedside. One day those figures came into focus, and he immediately recognized them. They were his wife and children, who visited him faithfully every day and spent hours at his bedside.
In that moment he saw where his true treasure lay - it lay in his family, his home, in the gift of life, and of course in God. He saw how foolish he had been up to now. And he prayed with all his heart: “Lord, give me back my life, and I’ll be happy.” And he resolved that if he got well, he would turn his priorities upside down.
He made a full recovery. The day he walked out of hospital, he was deliriously happy. Everything had been given back to him. Through that painful experience, he acquired much wisdom. Prior to this, he was completely focused on himself and his career. Now he decided to open himself to others and to work for them. And he was happier than he had ever been in his life.
All of us are searchers and treasure-hunters in the sense that we are looking for happiness. The goal is common, but it may be that (like that teacher) we are looking in the wrong place. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be too.” So, if we want to know what our treasure is, all we have to do is ask ourselves where our heart is. What is it that we love, that we pursue with all our hearts? There lies our treasure.
-Fr. John Kim