How wonderful it was to celebrate the Holy Triduum with many of you! I personally received many graces from God while preparing for the very first celebration as a celebrant. I have nothing but a sincere gratitude to God, who gave the great gift of priesthood, along with many people who made our celebration reverent and beautiful, especially all deacons, acolytes, adult ministers of the altar, our children altar servers who spent many hours practicing the holy liturgy, the King’s Chorus directed by Mr. Wayne Bachus, catechists who walks the faith journey with our newly initiated, lectors, extra-ordinary ministers of holy communion, Knights of Columbus who ushered during Holy Triduum. In a special way I would like to express gratitude to all those people who decorated our church during the Holy Triduum, as well as Easter Sunrise Mass at the Marian courtyard, and all those who organized our annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children.
This weekend we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, a day established by St. John Paul II as “a perennial invitation to the Christian world to face with confidence in divine benevolence the difficulties and trials that humankind will experience in the year to come” (May 23, 2000, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments). We, the Christ the King Catholic community, celebrate it in a special way. On this Sunday, April 16th, in addition to our regular Masses, we will have the Divine Mercy chaplet at 2:30pm followed by a designated Divine Mercy Mass at 3pm with the procession of the Divine Mercy image as St. Faustina Kowalska witnessed.
God’s mercy endures forever (Psalm 136:1), and it is not a coincidence that we celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday after Easter celebration. As we witnessed God’s amazing mercy through Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection, we must extend our mercy to those who surround us throughout the season of Easter.
Let us show God’s mercy to one another, as God Himself showed His mercy through His Son, Jesus.
-Fr. John Kim