DIVINE MERCY NOVENA in preparation for DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY April 19, 2020
In preparation for the Feast of Divine Mercy, let us pray together Saint Faustina’s Novena to the Divine Mercy, especially pleading for relief from the coronavirus that afflicts the world. Jesus instructed Saint Faustina that praying this Novena would bring souls strength and refreshment and the graces they need in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death. Jesus also promised that the very depths of His Mercy would be opened on the Feast of Divine Mercy, pouring out an ocean of graces upon those who approach the Fount of His Mercy on that day. Resolved to turn away from our sins, let us, then, look with great trust to Jesus, Whose open Heart flows with abundant mercies for us in this time of crisis. Find resources at: