The Acolyte Ministry presumes a level of commitment to discipleship. As this is a "public" ministry, that is to say it is a ministry in which the individual is present and visible to the congregation, it is expected that the acolyte has and intends to lead a life harmonious with the teachings of our Savior as they are taught by the Church. This is a rewarding ministry that is a blessing to the individual as it edifies the faithful through service. It is not envisioned that the Acolyte would usurp the ministry performed by altar servers. Each should have specific duties before, during and after Mass.
All Acolyte candidates will have achieved their 18th birthday and will have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the local pastor that they possess suitable maturity for the exercise of this office.
Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Capable and willing to present themselves as dignified representatives of the Catholic Church in all public capacities.
Completed all training in "Ethics and Integrity" or any such program.
Participate in all sessions and training under the supervision of the pastor with the assistance of the deacons.
After completion of training, actively observe at Mass under the tutelage of an instituted Acolyte for a period determined by the pastor.